Sonoma County’s Prolotherapy Specialist

Santa Rosa Prolotherapy SpecialistDr. Justin N. Hoffman | 707-292-8882


Dr Hoffman is a primary care doctor specializing in Prolotherapy and advanced PRP therapies.


Prolotherapy is a non – invasive, natural treatment for injured ligaments, tendons and joints.  If you are in pain, have a chronic joint injury that affects your quality of life, there are options other than surgery.  Why wait to jump back into life and do the things you want to do!  With Prolotherapy, Dr. Hoffman has successfully treated joint injuries and conditions such as:
Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Injuries, Low Back Pain, Sacroilliac Pain, Torn Knee Ligaments, Meniscal Tears, Tendonosis, Arthritis, Strains and Sprains, Sports Injuries, and more.

Plasma Smart PReP by Harvest

Dr Hoffman uses the most cutting edge technology to prepare PRP injections, and the only FDA approved PRP centrifuge for isolating and concentrating PRP.  The Smart PReP centrifuge by Harvest Technologies.  All other devices for isolating PRP are inadequate at concentrating PRP for optimal and maximum healing.

If you are suffering with an injury and would like to finally begin healing and getting stronger –

call 707-292-8882, for a consultation with Dr Hoffman to see if Prolotherapy or PRP can help you!

Dr Justin Hoffman is widely recognized as a Prolotherapy specialist and has helped over a thousand patients with joint, ligament and tendon injuries to overcome their pain and limitations in mobility.

Prolotherapy is offered by Dr Justin Hoffman in Santa Rosa, and is effective for knee pain, shoulder pain, low back pain, as well as other common musculoskeletal injuries.

To learn more about prolotherapy and to read more about prolotherapy services and PRP articles written by Dr Hoffman, click here.